FILA KIDS斐乐童装_折扣店_比斯特苏州购物村(奕欧来奥特莱斯)
FILA KIDS斐乐童装_比斯特苏州购物村(奕欧来奥特莱斯)
Opening HoursHow to get here 

FILA KIDS is a high-end lifestyle fashion and sports child brand. Inherits FILA’s centenary sport gene, elegant Italian style while adding more functionally and premium fabric to the products to give the most comfortable and safe experience for kids.


  • Call : 0512-65827607
  • Visit :
  • Store location : 苏州市工业园区阳澄环路969号比斯特苏州购物村144号
  • 扫码添加品牌企业微信开启远程购物
  • Opening HoursHow to get here 


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